South Carolina 2021
Welcome to The Candyman's Treasure Hunt 2021!
We are so excited to kick off the 2021 South Carolina hunt for the Gold Ticket!
Here is Clue #4:
25 steps takes you to a tree, you came from breakfast and sat in me. The twine is hard to find, but it's there.
Here is Clue #3:
WW would know the obvious place.
The clock area won't do you any good.
Here is Clue #2:
Some searchers found us in our red truck. Finding us does not mean we are at the exact location. We enjoy talking to say hi. Of course we can't say anything about the hunt.
Here is Clue #1:
David and I are within a few towns of the location shopping(antique/thrift) and driving around. So feel free to ask shop keepers if they've seen us if you want to know we're in the area or see if you can spot us. Shhh if you do.
Here is your riddle:
How I named Jelly Belly might help you
It's a shot in the dark if the cookie gives you a clue
Take 25 side steps from this obvious place
Look for the twine pulled from it's space
The Gold Ticket™
Once you have solved the riddle and found the Gold Ticket necklace, please email the following information: the location where you found the necklace, the email on your account, and the code inscribed on the necklace.
IMPORTANT: Sharing the riddle with anyone outside of your family or team will disqualify you from winning!
Stay safe and have fun!
South Carolina's riddle release date and time is: 2/27/21 at 10:00 am EST
- A Riddle will be released at the date and time of your states treasure hunt. Clues will not be given out every 24 hours like they were in 2020. We might give clues if we feel they are needed, but there will not be a set time. Some states may receive more clues than others.
- You must check in on your account to see updates or clues that might appear. Updates can be sent at any time. We might send an email notice, but those can end up in spam or take time to get to you. So check in with your account often.
- Treasure hunts can be over very quickly. Some Gold Tickets have been found in an hour, and some have taken 4 days. It's impossible to know if a riddle will be conceived as easy or hard. We have no way of controlling the outcome of a hunt.
- Treasure hunts can be difficult at times. We may use codes, ciphers, red herrings like misspelled words or extra words that aren't important, but help make a line in the riddle sound better. You might need to research history to get your answer or learn about anagrams. Definitions can be important. Words can change form, but be a clue to the real meaning. These are puzzles that can sometimes point to many different locations, and finding the correct solve what you need.
- The 2021 treasure hunts will require NO digging, so leave your shovels at home. We can secret the gold tickets many different ways, but our intentions will always be that you don't need to dig. One method we will be using in 2021 is to hide them in what we have termed "GumDrops." We place these in the ground and you will need to search for a piece of twine or string and pull up to release them from the ground. However, Gumdrops will not be used exclusively. Some might be in a tree or other place.
- In 2021, there may be fees associated with the locations where the necklaces are hidden. Some national parks and other similar places may require an admission fee. Also, some necklaces may be hidden in a place that has operating hours, or closes at night. It will be imperative to solve the poem to figure out where you need to go. We will not be able to clarify if the necklaces hidden in your state are in a location where an admission fee is required or in a location that has certain hours of operation.